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Systems & Solutions

Technology Solutions for Life Sciences

September 1, 2021
Cell & Gene Therapy

Deep Experience, Leading Technologies, & Thought Leadership

Solutions Designed to Meet Your Needs
From establishing a technology infrastructure and information security, through the management of knowledge, equipment, documents, and materials, to enabling the transfer of knowledge, we offer a wide variety of solutions designed to meet your needs—regardless of the phase you are involved in today.
Pre-Clinical Phase
Pre-Clinical Phase
From technology infrastructure through the management of knowledge and materials, we offer a variety of solutions depending on your needs. Learn More.
Early Clinical Phase
Early Clinical Phase

Proconex has the expertise to help organize information and build a foundation for growth along the digital maturity path.
Learn More. 

Late-Stage Clinical Phase
Late-Stage Clinical Phase
Our solutions allow you to manage production quality and information to support your trials and to pave the way to commercialization. Learn More.