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Hearing is Believing—Thanks to Acoustic Monitoring for PRDs Hearing is Believing—Thanks to Acoustic Monitoring for PRDs

Issues Arise Once Pressure Returns to Normal

A cost-effective and reliable PRD monitoring system can meet regulations and provide a strong ROI while improving efficiency, enhancing safety, and cutting operating costs; however, problems arise when a PRD does not completely close. Even a small leakage (0.1% from the PRV flow area) can cause significant financial losses, as well as emissions violations that result in expensive fines and even required shutdowns.

Acoustic Transmitters Address the Challenges of Monitoring PRDs

Historically, PRDs have been difficult to monitor and are susceptible to false positives when the PRD does not reseat fully. A reliable, effective and economic way to monitor PRDs is to use acoustic transmitters—small, wireless, lightweight and non-intrusive devices. For example, a noise level returning to a level above the previous baseline indicates leakage due to the valve not closing completely. A continuous noise level change indicates that the valve may be simmering or chattering.

Rupture Discs and Burst Detectors Can Also Benefit

Rupture discs also can be monitored with a wireless acoustic transmitter, which can detect when the disc ruptures, as well as the duration of the discharge. It can even detect small leaks caused by pinholes. An additional benefit is that with acoustic transmitters, maintenance personnel can replace or maintain their equipment at the most convenient time—without having to slow or shut down the process.
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