For the 3rd year, Proconex celebrates Pi Day on March 14th in recognition of the mathematical constant 3.14.
Proconex shared in the celebration with a t-shirt design contest, a pie tasting contest, and pizza pie for lunch because everyone should be able to enjoy a fun mathematical holiday,
There were 6 participants in the pie competition, with a winner in 2 categories, savory and sweet. Rose Clemens won for sweet with a lemon lime avocado pie and Mike Preite won for savory, with Uncle Sal’s Manilla Pie.
Employees also participated in a t-shirt contest. Mike Blessing, Business Systems Analyst, took the prize for best design with incorporating the Pi theme with our company’s core values: excellence personified, relentlessly dedicated, authentic, ever mindful and creating momentum. Employees were able to wear the shirts in celebration of the day.
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