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Pulping Pulping
For each application in the pulping process, careful consideration is required.

For each application in the pulping process, careful consideration is required.

The pulp produced and the chemicals used in the pulping process require special consideration when selecting valves and instrumentation for each application. High solids content, corrosion mitigation, and the level of accuracy required must be evaluated at each stage to ensure the most suitable equipment is selected.

Selecting precise and reliable devices for chemical addition applications can result in significant cost savings.

The Emerson Fisher™ Vee-Ball™ Rotary Control Valve is designed for handling pulp stock of all consistencies in even the most demanding installations such as MC pump discharge and blow valve applications. Accurate and reliable chemical handling can be achieved through the use of high precision Emerson Rosemount™ Flow Meters and Fisher™ special alloy control valves with FIELDVUE™ positioners.

Choose the right solution for the application
Achieve significant cost savings
Ensure accurate and reliable process control
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